KOSULI BREAKS2 ( Degital Ver. ) / コスリ ブレイクス2 ( デジタル版 )(kosuli_breaks2_complete.zip)
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ス第二弾『KOSULI BREAKS2』デジタル版。
アナログ盤に収録しきれなかった擦りネタやDJ RENAのプロデュースによる『Kagura』、アナログ盤に収録されているSide-AとSide-Bを結合したコンプリートデータを含む全25トラックが収録されている。
新旧の要素を見事に融合させたKOSULI BREAKS2で、より良い未来への音を体験しましょう。
Introducing the digital version of "KOSULI BREAKS2," the second installment of the domestically produced battle break that connects the world and Japan.
DJ AKAKABE, DJ RENA, DJ TAIJI, DJ KAITO, DJ HARUTO, and KOSULIST have brought together skipless scratches and drum beats in this release.
Let's use music to build bridges with the world, various cultures, and people, and connect with a world of infinite possibilities.
This digital version includes all 25 tracks, including scratch samples that couldn't fit on the analog version, DJ RENA's production "Kagura," and a complete data set combining Side-A and Side-B from the analog version.
Experience the sound of a better future through the expert fusion of old and new elements in KOSULI BREAKS2.
Artist:KOSULI( V.A.)
Format: Degital
Realase Date:2023.05.19
Label : KOSULI Records
- Track List /トラックリスト (Degital) -
1: 32わん (prod. DJ AKAKABE)
2: Don’t Stop Now (prod.DJ AKAKABE )
3: Rap (prod. DJ RENA)
4: Raiser (prod. DJ RENA)
5: Please Stand Up (prod.KOSULIST)
6: Time to start the Revolution Yeah (prod.KOSULIST)
7: Drum Break(prod. DJ RENA)
8: I Am The Ninja(prod.DJ TAIJI)
9: Ahhh Kamikaze (prod.DJ TAIJI)
10: Fonkeee Fresh(prod.DJ TAIJI)
11: Hell Yeah!!(prod.DJ KAITO)
12: Getting High Oh Fresh(prod.DJ HARUTO)
13: Nowar Peace Yo(prod.KOSULIST)
14: Drum break2 (prod.DJ RENA)
15: Ante Up (prod.KOSULIST)
16: Bitch Hey (prod.KOSULIST)
17: Breaking All The Rule Hip Hop (prod.KOSULIST)
18: Don'T Stop Hip Hop (prod.KOSULIST)
19: Drum Break3 (prod. DJ RENA)
20: Get World Peace Stop War (prod.KOSULIST)
21: Sky The Limit Imagine That (prod.KOSULIST)
22: We The Future Never Give It Up (prod.KOSULIST)
23: Kagura (prod. DJ RENA)
24: Kagura (Instrumental) (prod. DJ RENA)
25: KOSULI BREAKS 2 Vinyl Version Side A+Side B (Digital MASTER)
Mastered by DJ B=BALL
Designed by DARATRO
Presented by KOSULI
ス第二弾『KOSULI BREAKS2』デジタル版。
アナログ盤に収録しきれなかった擦りネタやDJ RENAのプロデュースによる『Kagura』、アナログ盤に収録されているSide-AとSide-Bを結合したコンプリートデータを含む全25トラックが収録されている。
新旧の要素を見事に融合させたKOSULI BREAKS2で、より良い未来への音を体験しましょう。
Introducing the digital version of "KOSULI BREAKS2," the second installment of the domestically produced battle break that connects the world and Japan.
DJ AKAKABE, DJ RENA, DJ TAIJI, DJ KAITO, DJ HARUTO, and KOSULIST have brought together skipless scratches and drum beats in this release.
Let's use music to build bridges with the world, various cultures, and people, and connect with a world of infinite possibilities.
This digital version includes all 25 tracks, including scratch samples that couldn't fit on the analog version, DJ RENA's production "Kagura," and a complete data set combining Side-A and Side-B from the analog version.
Experience the sound of a better future through the expert fusion of old and new elements in KOSULI BREAKS2.
Artist:KOSULI( V.A.)
Format: Degital
Realase Date:2023.05.19
Label : KOSULI Records
- Track List /トラックリスト (Degital) -
1: 32わん (prod. DJ AKAKABE)
2: Don’t Stop Now (prod.DJ AKAKABE )
3: Rap (prod. DJ RENA)
4: Raiser (prod. DJ RENA)
5: Please Stand Up (prod.KOSULIST)
6: Time to start the Revolution Yeah (prod.KOSULIST)
7: Drum Break(prod. DJ RENA)
8: I Am The Ninja(prod.DJ TAIJI)
9: Ahhh Kamikaze (prod.DJ TAIJI)
10: Fonkeee Fresh(prod.DJ TAIJI)
11: Hell Yeah!!(prod.DJ KAITO)
12: Getting High Oh Fresh(prod.DJ HARUTO)
13: Nowar Peace Yo(prod.KOSULIST)
14: Drum break2 (prod.DJ RENA)
15: Ante Up (prod.KOSULIST)
16: Bitch Hey (prod.KOSULIST)
17: Breaking All The Rule Hip Hop (prod.KOSULIST)
18: Don'T Stop Hip Hop (prod.KOSULIST)
19: Drum Break3 (prod. DJ RENA)
20: Get World Peace Stop War (prod.KOSULIST)
21: Sky The Limit Imagine That (prod.KOSULIST)
22: We The Future Never Give It Up (prod.KOSULIST)
23: Kagura (prod. DJ RENA)
24: Kagura (Instrumental) (prod. DJ RENA)
25: KOSULI BREAKS 2 Vinyl Version Side A+Side B (Digital MASTER)
Mastered by DJ B=BALL
Designed by DARATRO
Presented by KOSULI